Saturday, March 15, 2008

Not Practising What You Preach?

I have blogged about YSlow, a very nice tool from Yahoo, that gives performance indicators of your web page. Guess what? I ran it on their own page ( and found that they got 3 F's, 1 C and 1 B. Overall score was a D (62/100). A case of not practising what you preach?

Performance Grade: D (62)


1. Make fewer HTTP requests


2. Use a CDN


3. Add an Expires header


4. Gzip components


5. Put CSS at the top


6. Put JS at the bottom


7. Avoid CSS expressions


8. Make JS and CSS external


9. Reduce DNS lookups


10. Minify JS


11. Avoid redirects


12. Remove duplicate scripts


13. Configure ETags

Friday, March 14, 2008

Google Sky is up!

First google maps (earth) -, released February 8 2005,

Then google moon -, released July 2005,

Then google mars -, released March 12, 2006,

Now google sky!, released Today

Check it out!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ext 2.0 Tips

Ever since I started dabbling with Ext a few months back, I'm addicted to it. Ext 2.0 has wonderful API documentation, but there are many hidden treasures that are not apparent. I will start capturing some of these starting from this post.

Toolbar Tips
  • To create a separator between items, use '-' between the items. Hmm.., "|" might have been a better choice, don't you think?
  • To right align a set of items, use '->' as the separator.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm Learning to Play Keyboard!

I have started learning keyboard! Last weekend, we had Kevin start his keyboard lessons, and I also succumbed to my long time craving for learning music. And, 2-3 hrs/wk was all I had to spend on it. Sounds too good isn't it!

Today was the first class. I used to play by hearing, but always wanted to be able to read notes and play in a formal way, especially to play the hymnals.

The 1 hour session was very interesting. The tutor was very knowledgeable and professional. She quickly understood where I stand and taught me the basics. I did some fingering practices for G and F clefs. Getting the keypress synchronized with the beat was tricky, but it came to me after several tries. Reading music and playing seems to be a mechanical activity. Atleast that is my initial observation. Let's see how it goes!